Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rosemount Fashion Festival

Oglivy Action, the communications company in charge of creating profile opportunities for Rosemount Estate, invited me to design a dress made from wine lables for the Rosemount Fashion Festival launch party at the Loft club in Sydney. In a couple of days, I coordinated the construction of a glamourous black taffeta ball gown. I extended the opportunity to my first year styling students in the degree program at the Whitehouse Institute, and encouraged them to participate by pinning on the labels from large at the hemline to small at the top. Our gorgeous model, Heidi, modeled the garment over a four hour period, while we worked to attach the labels. In the end, the client was blown away and we had a great time creating this stunning garment for Rosemount.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Abu Dhabi Nights

Created the following outfits for Liz and Roderick for their farewell party as they move to Abu Dhabi.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fashion Illustration at Fashion Weekend

Sunbeam Australia sponsors the Whitehouse Institute of Design. They asked me to design a stand for them to profile their products at the Sydney Fashion Weekend. I incorporated a fashion illustration element into the design. Here are a couple of the images I produced. I drew 28 images in six hours.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Slutty swimsuits nearly in view... next time!

Adam Noble invited me to design a look for his photographic submission for Hair Expo. Adam wanted something simple and dramatic. Large necklaces were in his mind and I designed sexy swim suits in pearlescent color. The swim suits were so small, I called them postage stamps with straps. The following images capture the top half of the look as Adam needed more detailed head shots .

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Women in Armors

Amanda Craig from the Nischler Salon in Hobart asked me to design a concept for her photo submission for Hair Expo. 'Joan of Arc' was the theme I came up with, using silver cardboard held together with gold split pins to create armors. Nine shots in all, here are a few. Couldn't stop the photographer, Wendel Toledo, photo shopping the hell out of the images.